Convert MySQL Storage Engine of Tables from InnoDB to MyISAM

I needed to disable InnoDB support on my tiny server to save memory. To achieve this, I first had to convert the storage engine of all tables in all databases.

echo "show databases;" | mysql -uroot -p[your password] | grep -v "Database" | grep -v "information_schema" | grep -v "test" | grep -v "mysql" | grep -v "performance_schema" > mysql-dbs.txt

while read DB
    TABLES=$(mysql -p[your password] -uroot --skip-column-names -B -D $DB -e 'show tables')
    for T in $TABLES
        mysql -p[your password] -uroot -D $DB -e "ALTER TABLE $T ENGINE=MYISAM"
done < "$input"

After doing this, we can safely add the following option to our /etc/mysql/my.cnf :


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